Through the kyu levels there should be a progress in the ability for the whole body to cooperate to one line of energy, using stance, body dynamics and precise form. We could say that the levels are determined by how much is the whole body being used rather than isolated extremities.
Important: All instructor are obliged to exam according these rules.
8 Kyu
KATA: Heian Shodan
KIHON: (2 times each technique)
- Forward Oi Zuki Chudan, Zenkutsu Dachi
- Back Age Uke, Zenkutsu Dachi
- Forward Step Soto Uke, Zenkutsu Dachi
- Back step Shuto Uke, Kokutsu Dachi
- Forward Mae Geri Chu Dan, Zenkutsu Dachi
- From Kiba Dachi, side step, Yoko Keage Geri both directions
- From Kiba Dachi, side step, Yoko Kekomi Geri both directions
SANBON KUMITE: (3 steps by count)
Offence: Step forward Jodan Oi Zuki
Defence: Step backward Age Uke, on last block to counter.
Same thing Chu Dan Oi Zuki, Soto Uke 3 steps back, on last block to counter.
Defence: Step backward Age Uke, on last block to counter.
Same thing Chu Dan Oi Zuki, Soto Uke 3 steps back, on last block to counter.
7 Kyu
KATA: Heian Nidan
KIHON: (5 times each technique)
- Forward Oi Zuki Jodan, Zenkutsu Dachi
- Back Age Uke to Gyaku Zuki Chudan, Zenkutsu Dachi
- Forward Step Soto Uke to Gyaku Zuki Jodan, Zenkutsu Dachi
- Back step Shuto Uke, Kokutsu Dachi
- Forward Mae Geri Jo Dan, Zenkutsu Dachi
- Forward Mawashi Geri Jo Dan, Zenkutsu Dachi
- From Kiba Dachi, side step, Yoko Keage Geri both directions
- From Kiba Dachi, side step, Yoko Kekomi Geri both directions
SANBON KUMITE: (3 steps continuous)
Offence: Step forward Jodan Oi Zuki
Defence: Step backward Age Uke, on last block to counter.
Same thing Chu Dan Oi Zuki, Soto Uke 3 steps back, on last block to counter.
Defence: Step backward Age Uke, on last block to counter.
Same thing Chu Dan Oi Zuki, Soto Uke 3 steps back, on last block to counter.